CSS stands for Cascading style sheets. It is used for adding different styles to elements in html. Html decides how to present the web page. Css decides the styles for the web page. Programmer can make the web page more presentable. CSS styling can be added to a web page in 3 ways:
A) Inline-Using style Attribute in HTML Element.
B) Internal-Using Style Element in HTML head Section.
C )External-Using one or more external css files.
Normally in big websites they use external style sheets.
CSS Syntax
element {property:value;property:value}
Element is an html element on which we have to add different styles. This is also known as selector in css.
Property-property represents css property such as color,font-family etc.
Value-value represents css values.If multiple styles are there they are separated by a semicolon.
Inline Styling
Inline Styling is used for adding different css styles to elements in html.
Inline Styling use style attribute. Style attribute will be provided inside the starting tag of an element.
<h1 style=”color:red”>This heading is Red</h1>
Internal Styling
Internal Style sheet is provided in the head section of an html document. It is used to provide style to the whole document. In Internal Style sheet css code is provided inside <style> tag.
<title>Internal styling</title>
<h2>Here we use internal styling</h2>
<h4>Color of this line is Red</h4>
Internal styling
Here we use internal styling
Color of this line is Red
External Styling
External style sheets are used when css styles are provided to many web pages.
The advantage of using external style sheet is that by changing one css file we could make changes to the entire site. External style sheets are linked to html pages in head section of the page.
CSS Fonts
There are certain css properties.Some of them are
Color-used to provide specified color to html elements.
Font-family-this specifies the font to be used for displaying contents of html elements.
font-size-Specifies the size of html element.
Id Attribute
Id element is used to give names to html elements. To define a special style for a special element, first add an id attribute to the element.
<h1 id=”heading”>This heading has id</h1>
The class Attribute
To define a style for a special type of elements, add a class attribute to the element. In Css we could select that element using the particular class name. id is used to address single elements and class to address groups of elements.
<li class=”sample”>T</li>
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