HTML TABLES

Html provides Elements to include tables in your webpage.Tables can be included with <table> tag. Tables are divided into table row using <tr> tag and rows are divided into   table data using <td> tag. Table also contain <th> tag to include headings into table.Data in <th> tag will be bold.<td>  i.e table data can contain different  contents such as text , images ,list etc.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>Here is a table</h2>



Here is a table

Name Age
Mary 23
John 25

Table Border

By default html does not show border for tables. You have to specify it in your code. To add a border you can use border attribute. You can also use css to make table attractive.  The below example uses inline styling to give border to the table.
<table border="1">

Table Cells that Span many Columns

We can use colspan  attribute to span a cell to more than one column. Colspan attribute can be added in <td> tag.

Table Cells that span many Rows

We can use  rowspan attribute to span a cell to more than one row.
<!DOCTYPE html><br>
<title>Css styling</title>
<table border="1" >
<caption>Student Details</caption>
<th colspan="2">Telephone</th>
<td rowspan="2">Ajay rai <br> pai</td>


Css styling
Student Details
Name Telephone
Anna 2133122 1490786
Manu 157848 546373
Ajay rai
343535 896373
Captions for a Table

<caption> tag can be used to add caption to a table.<caption> tag must be added immediately after <table> tag.The above table shows the caption "Student Details

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